Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Taklimat tentang kursus yang ditawarkan di Noble School

En Adris bin Youp, Penolong Pengarah dari Noble School memberi penerangan tentang tawaran kursus di Noble School.

Kursus –kursus yang ditawarkan di Noble School adalah seperti berikut :

Kimpalan Arka Logam Berperisai - Persijilan 1,2 & 3.

Juruteknik Elektrik - Persijilan 1,2 & 3.

Jurukecantikan / Juruestetik - Persijilan 1 & 2

Beliau juga memberitahu pelajar tentang mereka dapat elaun RM 300.00 setiap bulan. Bayaran yuran akan dibayar selepas habis kursus dan bekerja.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Festival of the Heavenly God or Jade Emperor--31Jan 2012

This festival starts on the early morning of the 9th day of the Chinese lunar calendar (after midnight of the 8th day). It is the most important spring festival for the Hokkiens , a celebration which is celebrated widely by the Buddhist and Taoists Chinese in Malaysia. The celebration marks the birthday of the Jade Emperor or Guardian or Heavenly God, who lives in the centre of the universe. The most important offering for the Hokkien clan/ community is 'kam chia' or suger cane.

Story of the Hokkien clan and prominence of the sugarcane plant:

During the Song Dynasty (Mongol dynasty) most of the clans in Southern China (Fujian, Henan, Zhejiang) were heavily repressed and lived under great fear of the Mongols. The Hokkien clan were constantly at the mercy of the Mongols who attacked and hunted them, because the Hokkiens are seen a threat to the empire.

The Hokkiens then fled to the Henan province where sugarcane plantations were in abundance. Though many were killed by the pursuing Mongols, a group of Hokkiens managed to hide themselves among the sugarcane plants. The pursuing Mongols searched the area for days but never located the remaining Hokkiens.

The Mongols eventually gave up and returned to their base. On the ninth day of the Chinese Calendar, the Hokkiens happily emerged from their hideout praising the celestial deities for saving them and believed that the Heavenly God had protected them. Thus, from then on, in all Hokkien celebrations, the sugarcane plant is given special prominence.

That is why the Ninth day is regarded as the day of salvation by the Hokkien community. As offering to the Heavenly God, a pair of sugarcane plants is usually placed, one on each side of the offering table. The pair symbolizes unity, cooperation and strength.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Chinese New Year CNY Wish Word animated glitter graphic, picture, image for Myspace comments, Orkut, Friendster, Hi5.

New Year is the time to
unfold new horizons & realize new dreams,
to rediscover the strength & faith within you,
to rejoice in simple pleasures &
gear up for new challenges.

Wishing you a prosperous & fulfilling Year.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cuti Sempena Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina 2012

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa sekolah akan bercuti sempena cuti Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina 2012 seperti berikut:

Tarikh Cuti ialah 21.01.2012 (Sabtu) hingga 29.01.2012 (Ahad)

Sehubungan itu,diminta semua ibu bapa dan penjaga maklum akan hal ini dan mengambil tindakan yang perlu.

Kerjasama dari pihak tuan/puan , saya dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Ponggal

Pongal itself falls on the first day of the Tamil month of Thai (For Year 2012 Pongal is on Sunday, 15-Jan-2012). It is celebrated by boiling rice with fresh milk and jaggery in new clay pots. The rice is later topped with brown sugar, ghee, cashew nuts and raisins. This tradition gives Pongal its name. The rice is traditionally cooked at sun rise.

The moment the milk boils over and bubbles out of the vessel, the tradition is to shout of "Pongalo Pongal!", introduce freshly harvested rice grains in the pot and blow the sanggu (a conch). Tamils consider it a good sign to watch the milk boil over as it connotes good luck and prosperity. The newly cooked rice is traditionally offered to the Sun God at sunrise to demonstrate gratitude for the harvest. It is later served to the people present in the house for the ceremony. People prepare savories and sweets such as vadai, murukku, paayasam, visit each other and exchange greetings.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Aktiviti Briged Putera

Tarikh : 14 Januari 2012

Masa : 8.00 - 10.00 pagi

Tempat : SMK Air Itam

Anjuran : Briged Putera

Aktiviti: Latihan "Monkey Crawl"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha untuk mentransformasi sistem pendidikan negara, Kementerian Pelajaran telah melancarkan Dasar Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Dalam Pendidikan pada tahun lalu. Melalui dasar ini, kerajaan mensasarkan untuk memperluaskan capaian jalur lebar di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh negara dan menyediakan persekitaran pembelajaran maya kepada semua murid.

Konsep persekitaran pembelajaran maya ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta memperkukuh sistem pengurusan maklumat berkaitan pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh negara.

Sehingga 31 Disember 2011, sebanyak 200 sekolah sudah siap dipasang capaian jalur lebar manakala sehingga April 2012 sebanyak 1052 sekolah lagi akan siap dipasang. Menjelang akhir 2012 sebanyak 7902 sekolah di seluruh negara dijangkakan mendapat perkhidmatan jalur lebar dan melaksanakan konsep persekitaran pembelajaran maya. Pemasangan capaian jalur lebar untuk semua sekolah dijadualkan siap sepenuhnya menjelang Mac 2013.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hari Rekruitment Briged Putera dan Briged Puteri

Aktiviti : Hari Rekuitment

Masa : 4.00 hingga 5.00 petang

Tarikh : 5 Januari 2012

Persatuan : Briged Putera dan Briged Puteri

Tempat : Dewan SMK Air Itam

Tujuan : Memperkenalkan aktiviti-aktiviti tahunan

kepada pelajar-pelajar peralihan dan tingkatan satu

serta mendaftar ahli-ahli baru